Monday, January 16, 2017



With Dad's death occurring during the holidays, I have been attending "comfortable" familiar congregations that would provide me with somewhat familiar liturgy.  With the new year, it was time to branch out and get out of my comfort zone.  While I have never worshiped at Calvary, it is hard to live in Charlotte for 30+ years and not know about the "pink castle or crown" in South Charlotte.  During my years working at CPCC and the Carlton Watkins Center, I did have several negative experiences with their preschool around the inclusion of children with special needs and their rejection of a co-worker to lead a class there for the preschool staff because of her Catholic faith.  So it was with some "baggage" that I went there, but with hopes of seeing a different side, and having a different experience.

My idea of Calvary, was a mega-church with multiple services.  They have only one service on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am. and another at 6 pm on Sunday night.  It is located on Highway 51 at the corner of Rea Road. Parking was plentiful even though the church was about 2/3 full.  They have a "new here" portal on their website that says  "most people tend to wear business casual, but there’s always a wide range from ties to jeans".  That site also has tabs about beliefs, Sunday School, nursery, directions, etc.


Arriving a few minutes before the start of the service, I was drawn to the chapel by both the sound of the pipe organ and ample signage.  The folks in front of me were "first-timers" too and were friendly and introduced themselves.  The middle school pastor came and sat beside me and talked to the others about adult education opportunities after the worship.  Several folks introduced themselves and welcomed me on my way out.  There was no bulletin, just a pamphlet of announcements, however everything you needed was on the big screens.


This was my biggest and most pleasant surprise.  Twice the congregation sang two hymns, the first being a very traditional hymn, and the second a more contemporary one.  Words to all 4 appeared on the huge monitors flanking the chancel.  There was a FULL orchestra including brass, woodwinds, stings, a grand piano, organ, contemporary keyboard,and  tympani!  The more than 75 member choir lead the congregation in street clothes along with four singers and a music leader miked in front.  During the offertory, a youth choir performed and then led the congregation in a reprise of a contemporary hymn.  The congregation clapped after each hymn, and while it had a performance, vs. worship feel to it, I appreciated the mix of traditional and contemporary music.

Then came the big surprise.  At the end of the service and sermon on Christ's second coming in Revelation, the adult choir returned and did an amazing performance of the Hallelujah Chorus with the orchestra!  It was as good as any professional choir and orchestra that I have heard, and fit with the sermon.

I had read on the website that this Sunday would be a continuation of a sermon series on Revelation  and I was prepared for "fire, brimstone, and Rapture."  Instead I got a fairly scholarly lecture about the Second Coming along with a timeline and study notes.  While, not without passion, Dr. Munro's delivery in his Scottish brogue,  felt more like a theology professor.  He did preach about God's sorting and judgment without "fire and brimstone", choosing instead to emphasize Christ's Second Coming and contrast it with his First.  Most folks did not recognize Christ as a King and without political power, Jesus was rejected by all but his most loyal followers.  This, he proclaimed will be turned upside down at the Second Coming which will be "the most dramatic event in all human history."   While using Revelation 11:15-19 as his primary text, he also referenced, Luke, Isaiah, Daniel, Zachariah, and Corinthians.  At the end of the sermon, he concluded, "And all God's people said..".and the congregation responded "Hallelujah" instead of Amen.  This led beautifully into the choir and the Hallelujah Chorus.


  • Of the mood, music, and message, the music obviously stood out the most to me at this church.  
  • The pastor's sermon was completely Biblical.  While I'm sure this was on purpose and true to the church's philosophy, I think the book of Revelation needs both historical and cultural context for a more complete understanding.  I was stunned when during the sermon the pastor encouraged folks to buy a Bible in the translation used at the church along with CD's of earlier sermons on Daniel in their bookstore.  I don't think I've had a sermon with an advertisement before! (The pastor did respond to my draft and emphasized that the book store sells the Bibles at a discount.)
  • When entering the sanctuary  for the first time, it is hard not to be awed by the size with TWO balconies that surround the chancel on 3 sides.
  • I was pleased to see several folks in wheel chairs and places set aside for them.  After my experience with their preschool, this was a welcoming surprise.
  • All of the announcements in the pamphlet were about educational opportunities or about serving in the church.  The closest thing to outreach was a "Hearts and Hammers!" ministries that helps congregants and some in the community with home maintenance and repairs.  I would have expected more outreach opportunities to be highlighted with this large of a community (several thousand today).  More opportunities are on their website, but none were highlighted today.
  • Today is #25 of 50!!  I'm 1/2 way there!!!!
  • I'm not sure why the formatting came with a white background on about 1/2 of the blog today... I tried multiple "fixes" and couldn't get it uniform!

I returned to Ship of Fools for this week's humor.  With Russia being in the news constantly for the last few weeks, this really struck me as funny.  I really like the last line..."It's not quite clear was this game devoted to teach Christianity or to show the flaws of the concept."  Sounds like it does neither well!!  And before we get too "holier than thou"...we have some pretty snarky items available in both regular stores and religious ones!!  (see Blog # 5)

The "bulletin":

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