Monday, February 20, 2017


The golden black angels have always fascinated me

The United House of Prayer for All People has always fascinated me.  Their houses of worship are very architecturally interesting and I knew that they hosted Shout Bands of trombones, bass horns, drums and other instruments.  The one nearest me by Panthers Stadium does not have Sunday worship during the football season, so I had been delaying my visit.  Today was the day.

The United House of Prayer for all People is located at 1019 S. Mint Street a block away from Panther's Stadium, just outside I-277. Parking was plentiful with no game in progress. The front door is only open for their Bishop and you must enter from a side door.  The service started at 11 am and was still going when I left at 1:30!  Women must wear dresses or skirts.  Men must wear ties.  They serve a hot meal before and after (and maybe during) the worship.  My friend Elaine and I have eaten there several times during the week.  Its a "meat and 3" type of place with great food.  A full meal is only $8.

The mood went from awkward to exuberant in a flash!  When I arrived about 10:55 the Sanctuary was locked and I went down to the cafeteria to ask if there would be a service at 11.  I met the pastor on the stairs and he escorted me in and said that the service was about to start.  I briefly told him about my project.  For the first 15 minutes it was just me and this nice young man at a microphone, reading scripture, praying and singing.  Then after about 15 minutes folks began to come in.  The singing and clapping began and soon 2 Shout Bands were gathered one to the right and another to the left of the Chancel.  Their exuberance was infectious and one couldn't help but feel the rhythm and smile.  Several of the women would work themselves into a frenzy and "speak in tongues".  Other women would come around them and keep them from falling and escort them back to their seats.  

This worship experience is definitely built around the music.  I had heard about the Shout Bands and had seen them marching in a few parades, so I expected the trombones and bass horns and drums.  I had no idea of the intensity of the music.  The pews were literally vibrating and the gospel/jazz was amazing.  Think about the bands you hear on the Square after events at Blumenthal and then multiply this by at least 10!  Each band would have about 8 trombones circled around a drummer with a few bass horns or baritones, and tambourines for good measure.  And there were 2 of them!  There were about 30 people in the congregation and at least that many or more musicians.  There were times when I felt like the drummers were the bravest folks there, for I couldn't see how the trombones avoided "goosing them" with their slides!  These pictures are not of the service I attended, but are similar to my experience and I think the YouTube video is in Charlotte but at another church.  It will give you a feel of the experience!

While most of the message was in the joy of the music, Apostle Reid preached on Acts 6:1-7.  He had a "reader" who would read a verse, and then he would repeat it and expound upon it and then he would shout "READ" and the reader would read another verse and so on.  The cadence was mesmerizing.  The title was "You can receive results listening to God."  In this passage 7 disciples led by Stephen are selected to do the work of the church so that the apostles can continue to devote themselves to prayer and serving the word.  The preacher equated this to the organization of the church.  He spoke at length about their Bishop, Precious Daddy Bailey and how he was chosen by God to lead them.  He is their mediator between the people and God, "wrapped in Jesus". (I read that they believe in a succession of leaders and that there is only one leader at a time, and they claim a direct line from Moses to Daddy Bailey.)  The whole message had a Prosperity Gospel tone with phrases like" If I listen, everything will be all right."  And, "Anybody here need a blessing? If you do right by God, God will do right by you. Just listen and there is no struggle between right and wrong."  

  • In this church the offering is a march, with folks lining up at the back of the church, coming forward with their offerings and tithes  to place them in plates at the front while the bands played.  This happened once for tithes and later they took up another offering, a "love gift march" to Daddy Bailey' birthday. Only a few people marched and I must admit, I gave my offering to a teenager sitting in front of me and asked her to march it up front.
  • One thing emphasized was that none of the United House of Prayer buildings have a mortgage and that the money is collected before it is built.
  • The service began with "Testimonial Services".  While the band played several people including children, got up and shared what they were thankful for.
  • There was a large white leather chair, wrapped in plastic in the center of the chancel on a podium.  I think it was a special place for the Bishop when he visits.  There were also 2 pulpits, one in the the center, used by the preacher and another larger white one closer to the white chair, again I am thinking for the Bishop, should he come and preach.
  • Most of the announcements were about an upcoming "Whirlwind Revival" called by the Bishop (2 letters read from him) that would be happening all the following week.  The emphasis was on the "grave danger the world is in, no matter what the president says. And to help us to get along."
  • Every time the name of the Bishop "Precious Daddy Bailey" was invoked, the people would clap and say "Amen".
  • I understand that there is a convocation in the summer with a "battle of the bands" on Beatties Ford Road.  I would like to hear that.
  • There is no way to convey the exuberance of this congregation in writing.  It is all very experiential. 
  • I've often said I want one of the New Orleans Jazz/Funeral bands at my funeral... the Shout Bands are better!
  • I try not to compare churches here and let each experience stand on its own.  But it was hard not to think about the contrast between the silence of the Quakers last week with the LOUD Shout Band this week.  To me this just says that in our country, folks are encouraged to find the way to worship that speaks to them the best.  There are many paths to God and I'm grateful to be experiencing this many faceted quilt.
  • There were no hymn books and no printed materials.

Believe me!  No one was going to sleep this week, even after 2 1/2 hours!

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