Monday, February 27, 2017

#33 St. Mattress on the Mountain

I had been longing to visit St Mattress on the Mountain for some time now.  This Sunday it just fit perfectly.

St. Mattress is located on the top of Shumont Mountain near Bat Cave and Lake Lure.  Just follow the signs to Park's Peak.  There is ample parking in the circular drive but beware, a sensor will alert the parishioners with a motion sensor doorbell if  you arrive late or unannounced.  Being secluded on the peak, dress is optional, but flannel tends to be a trend by the fire on cold mornings.

Deliciously lazy is one way to describe my time with St. Mattress.  But the discussion over a pot of coffee and the newspaper was also very stimulating.

Music was provided by WDAV.  Their selections of Bach and Mozart on Sunday morning was the perfect backdrop to enjoying the architecture of St. Mattress during the sunrise.  Later it was a the perfect accompaniment to The Observer on line and brunch.

The text for the day was Genesis 2:2 "...and He rested on the seventh day from all the work He had done."  I believe a respite is needed within all projects.  This Sunday, Dave and I enjoyed a lazy morning, brunch and the beauty of the mountain view.  God can definitely be found in the sunrise between the lacy branches outside our bedroom window and as it bounces with pinks and oranges against  the blue mountain vista beyond our back deck.  Reading the paper together with a pot of coffee and a roaring fire provided ample topics for discussion from what is the best way to use tax dollars for incentives to economic development to combating racism and how should representatives most effectively talk to their constituents.  We outlined at least two topics for potential letters to the editor!  Then we moved from the loft to the unfinished basement exchanging ideas for renovations.  All in all a productively lazy morning!

  • I am proud that I've come  over 3/5's of the way through this project without using a "day off".  With Lent starting this week, I should have some extra opportunities for worship.
  • I met a very atypical Baptist pastor at Sierra Nevada Brewery and we discussed my project over a beer!  (Was this my outreach?)
  • With only 17 churches left in my "50 churches" I need to revisit my lists and prioritize the ones I have not yet visited.
  • I'm beginning to think of "next steps" after I finish my challenge of visiting 50 churches.  Where will I "land"?  What have I learned? How will it change how I live out my faith?
  • One thing is for certain:  I'm paying attention more in church than I ever did!!
  • What will be my next project?

THIS WEEK'S EXTRAS (Do you really need more?  LOL)

These two church signs had my number this week!

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